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Gross Shuman Labor & Employment CLE Scheduled for October 21

CLE to focus on the complexities of restrictive covenants and how they may be impacted by COVID-19 in the face of the ongoing evolution of the workforce
Gross Shuman P.C. attorneys Kevin Burke and Kevin Lelonek, members of the firm's Labor and Employment Practice Group, will lead a CLE titled: "The Evolution of Restrictive Covenants" on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 from 1:30 - 2:30 pm.
The CLE, presented by the Charles S. Desmond Inn of Court, will be held virtually via a Zoom video conference and focus on the three types of restrictive covenants:
Non-compete agreements
Non-solicitation agreements
Non-disclosure agreements
Mr. Burke and Mr. Lelonek will offer an overview of each type of restrictive covenant, including how they may be impacted by the changing face of the workforce during COVID-19.
They will also examine how the enforcement of restrictive covenants has evolved, what other states are doing in this regard, and what the future may hold for restrictive covenants in New York.
The CLE is open to the public, and members of the Charles S. Desmond Inn of Court will receive one hour of CLE credit for attending.
To learn more about the Charles S. Desmond Inn of Court visit: https://bit.ly/2GYTkBY
To RSVP for this CLE, please email [email protected] by the close of business on Monday, October 19, 2020.